Ritual Health works with a range of therapeutic methods and theories from the rich traditions of
Chinese Medicine, Tibetan Medicine, Chinese Polestar Astrology, and Ayurveda.
We offer online herbal medicine consultations, as well as online guided healing sessions.


Acupuncture is a safe and effective holistic treatment modality. It is an integral part of the practice of Chinese Medicine, rooted in thousands of years of historical practice.

Acupuncture works by stimulating specific points on the body, initiating a cascade of neurochemical responses that promote healing and overall well-being across multiple physiological systems.

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Treatment Rates:

  • New Patient consult w/ treatment: $225 (60-90 minutes): initial sessions include tongue, pulse, and hara diagnosis, treatment, and herbal formula prescription(s)

  • Follow-up treatment: $125 (45-60 minutes): regular care for existing patients

  • Extended Sessions: $185 (90 minutes): for existing patients, includes an extra 20-30 minutes of extra hands-on treatments; great for orthopedic treatments

  • Re-evaluation: $185 (60 minutes): for existing patients with extra to discuss or those who haven’t been in for care for more than a year-ish


The practice of herbalism is a cornerstone of Chinese Medicine, with hundreds of medicinal formulas developed and perfected over centuries of clinical practice.

At Ritual Health Acupuncture Clinic, herbal formulas are prescribed with careful consideration of each patient’s individual health concerns and wellness goals. We also consider factors such as diet and lifestyle habits, the season, and geographic environment when formulating herbal prescriptions.

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Treatment Rates:

  • New Patient: $185 (60 minutes): for new patients, your session will include traditional diagnosis and an herbal prescription

  • Follow-ups: $85 (30 minutes): regular follow-up sessions for existing patients

  • Re-evaluation: $175 (45-60 minutes): for existing patients with extra to discuss or those who haven’t been in for care for more than a year-ish

Polestar Astrology

Chinese Polestar Astrology, aka Zi Wei Dou Shu or Purple Star Astrology is a Song Dynasty Chinese method based on Daoist, Confucian, and Buddhist philosophy. Individual readings help us understand our unique patterning related to our ancestral rhythm and the greater, interconnected cycles of qi. Learn about your character and fate patterns based on your birth time and place.

A reading can help you understand your placement in the larger sphere of natural rhythms, helping you know when to push and when to glide. It is especially useful for finding ways to relax and work with things when we face a new or challenging edge in life.

  • Full reading: $250 (~75 minutes): for initial natal session, annual progressions, couples, and family readings. Please schedule yourself extra time in case we go over!

  • Mini sessions: $90 (~30 minutes): a shorter reading for a narrow focus (usually one topic/question and its interlocking parts), considering factors from natal and progression charts and/or relevant family/partner’s charts

Tibetan Medicine

Tibetan Medicine is known as "Sowa Rigpa" or, the "Science of Healing". This ancient medical practice is based on a system of Five Elements, and the balance of those elements within our physiological systems.

Tibetan medicine applies traditional diagnostic methods such as pulse and tongue observation. The practitioner or, “Menpa” then develops a customized treatment protocol based on each individual’s unique constitution and condition. This includes herbal medicines, diet and lifestyle counseling, as well as therapeutic treatments.  

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Treatment Rates:

New Patient: $225
Follow-ups: $125 ($90 if online as telemedicine)

Courses and Community

Dr. Anne and Dr. Adam offer classes, workshops, and educational content about Traditional Medicine and Chinese Astrology throughout the year, both online and live. We collaborate regularly with our esteemed mentors and colleagues to discuss and explore Eastern Medicine, healthy lifestyle, global health issues, spiritual view, and philosophy.

New: Watch the Yang Wood Dragon Chinese Lunar New Year Talk with Dr. Anne Shelton Crute to coordinate with the qi of the year!

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